Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas to all Blog Visitors!

Hohohohoho Merry Christmas to you all! For those who celebrating it and going to celebrate it
May this Christmas bring you joy and laughter.
My wish is I can finish Rimuru's series soon ^_^)/

I'm sorry that there's no special release Orz
Curses you Real Life!!!

Hmmm I wonder if Rimuru and his city celebrate Christmas~

From Guro, may the joy of Christmas is with you


  1. Thank for the info. and Merry Christmas to all.

    1. merry xmas and finish the novel you FANS FUCKIGN HATE TO WAIT IT KILL USS

  2. Thank you for all your hardwork on this series, merry christmas and a slimy new year.

  3. Merry Christmas from Brasil :D

  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New YEARS 😘😘😶😣😣😌😮😌😚😚😙😙😙😗😗😐😐😘😚😍😍😘😘

  5. Merry Christmas from Philippines 😆 May we all get along in waiting for new chapters and thanks to the translators for their hard work.

  6. Merry Christmas!!! Hope you have a happy New Year as well!!!

  7. May you translate at more faster rate... Thanks.

    1. too bad but its not gonna happen tought.

    2. not everyone had as much time as u do
      most of these translator are students and colege students
      this is their HOBBY, not a job

    3. @Thành Đỗ yeah i agree with you bro.
      usually those who always complain and raise forkpitch is those who don't have anything to do in real life.
      most of them definitely the drop out from society.

    4. Guro's INDONESIAN army trying to defend again... Hahaha

    5. Sadly im a vietnamese
      And im not defending any1
      I just hate u, a lot

    6. How come circus and lion are better than guro and translate faster with waaayyy better quality. Selfish translator

    7. and how come u dont had a brain?
      both circus and lion are busy with their life
      and they dont had any obligation to translate either, so does guro
      they know japanese, they could read it themself without needing to share up here
      they are the true fan of this series, not u, u just a fucking ungrateful leecher

    8. @Alfha Robby
      Asking for more chapters doesn't make you a drop out from society have you seen the tempest visitor's 10009156 everyone here wants to read more chapters if Guro Can't put more chapters here why not drop it? atleast someone else will pick it up. slime is popular web novel you can look at the rankings on better make a good excuse if you are going to defend the translator And aren't you a weeb yourself check your blog picture....

    9. Alfha goes butthurt defender when someone criticize... Says he is not affected but his comments says otherwise... Hmmm

    10. Alfha been a total douche since circus as well. Complete condescending attitude. Yeah requesting more chapters is suddenly a drop out of society lol.

      PS. its pitchfork you imbecile

  8. Merry Christmas all and a happy New Year

  9. Merry Christmas!
    С Рождеством!

  10. You least gives us chrismas, I don't mean new chapter update or faster translation...I JUST WANTED A WHOLE COLLECTION OF RIMURU'S HUMANOID FORM PICTURES!! Because there's not many around. So, which Rimuru you think is cuter? The Rimuru from the LN illustration or the manga?

  11. for me definitely the manga, the LN drawings suck. well if u want more go to this site월간&uid=84591 but it's Raw!!!!!

    1. its not raw but korean translation dude.

    2. Wondering why there aren't japanese raw? I can't read korean translation (T^T) is Slime not highly cherished in japan?

    3. of its not highly cherished in japan, there's no way it'll get Light novel and manga adaptation you know.
      you could find the raw at but i'm not gonna post any link since it's torrent link.

  12. Tempest is getting close to have 10 000 000 visitors

    1. Aaand, it has exceeded that now, congrats haha.

  13. Maybe a chapter for new years then, maybe? maybe? Pleeeeeeeease.

  14. Give this to circus or lion you selfish translator there are people who truly care about this ln

      here u go u fucking retard, go back to kindergarden, those kid in there had better manner than u

    2. fuck you, he said lion as well. You go back to kindergarten, their English is better than yours.

  15. Thanks for the chapter guys
    I really enjoy reading this wn
    In this past 2 weeks.

    Thank you for your hardwork

  16. I wish you seek help in the translation because the rate of chapter release is killing the hype. Why can release chapters fast when he is doing all the work alone. I seek no harm to you and your team's feelings but you are not doing satisfactory job. Criticism for the betterment of all. All hail GOD SLIME

    1. I agree as well, there's no harm in asking for help. It's for the good of everyone anyways. (Awesome comment/feedback structure btw)

  17. Guro san is to lazy to do next capther. She got new phone and forget about rimuru already.

  18. Thank you for all the hard work, Guro-sama. Btw if anyone is interested in a preview for a bit of next chapter I did partial translation...I'll probably finish one chapter then move on since this project already has a team on it.

    1. Also, I've realized how much translating this series can be a pain. Really, really appreciate this team's work on this project. I'm dying from terms I've never heard of and I'm not even done translating this entire chapter.

    2. Finally finished chapter 196. If anyone is interested in a rough translation feel free to read and bash about how horrible it is. /sweats.

    3. Thank you DTR-san.
      Hope you will help translate another chapter.

    4. No problem, glad it's passable quality. If Guro and the team can't handle it I might help out, but I think best I find a project that nobody's handling to prevent getting killed. /sweats buckets. - also this series is quite difficult to translate. Each chapter is so long... Haha.ha.ha. It's really over my head to try and handle something this high-level on the get go.

    5. No, please do slime translation. We almost lost hope from guro san tim. Just let them edit your work. It's called helping, not stealing. Sorry for my bad english.

    6. I think they've been doing a good job so far. Well, it used to be even better around the beginning, I guess work life or real life has been boggling them down. I'm helping out with a different team that needs more help than this one, there seems to be 2 translators in this project already. There's many other projects which lacks translators. They just need more time to translate these chapters. Speaking of which, it took me one whole day and a half to finish translating one chapter (since I'm a noob and nobody was helping when I get stuck). I don't know how these guys can translate 100 of chapters. It's insane.
      As stated in the notes, I was only selfishly doing that chapter's TL. Just forgive this idiot who tried to see if she can translate chapters.

  19. since the empire arc comparing each others strength and deciding who is strong is proven pointless God Armors broken easily is there even a better word better than God's Armor? but i know a single fact nobody can beat Rimuru anymore...

  20. Is there a possible ETA on next chappie?

  21. Is there a possible ETA on next chappie?

    1. if you're really that impatient then go and read the quick TL which is already posted in the comment above^ -_-; But then you'll have to wait for the official tl anyway, good luck (lol)

  22. The translation progress is too slow, sure I know it's Christmas and new year, but for even 1 chapter as a celebration is not coming out is just pathetic.
    I knew for sure that Lion should be the one to take this translation.
    It's not that I'm ungrateful, but at least when Lion translation did thr translation, they have a clear schedule and responsibility, when they say they will do it, they do it.

    1. unfortunately, lion-san only agreed to do to a certain point.. then he has to go back to school so he cant translate..

    2. lion san really is the best translator though~ his/her english is so good T_T The level is so high~

  23. Work on some really popping palettes is too good.

  24. Too bad that every 2 or 3 chapters guro always goes to some mini hiatus.
    Otherwise it would be great.
