Friday, September 29, 2017


My laptop got into problem.
It crashed and then its hdd not read.
So no translating for awhile till the laptop's problem fixed
Update: the hdd not read by the laptop need to replace it with a new one it seems.
Hdd costs about 50$+ I think?
Update2: The laptop can be used again, just it'd take a while for me to start translating again
Update3: Will restart translating again on saturday~


  1. Dammit, someone give him a laptop ASAP!

  2. heh take your time man hope you get it resolved real quick though :P

  3. where are you live man?

    if you are at Indonesia I'm willing to help you with it.

  4. Just a suggestion, but you should probably take the HDD to a tech store and see if they can recover any data you have on it if there are files you need/want to keep
    Keep up the good work

  5. Long live the next laptop :) txs for what you did till now.

  6. Seriously, thanks for doing this. Great work, and I'm glad you are able to continue.

  7. Just try using cloud Guro San. Like google drive or dropbox, so you can access your file online everywhere.
